

Democratic Party of Wisconsin Endorses No Vote on August Ballot Questions

Jun 12, 2024

Democratic Party of Wisconsin Endorses No Vote on August Ballot Questions

MADISON, Wis. — Today, the Democratic Party of Wisconsin announced it had endorsed a “no” vote on both constitutional amendment ballot questions appearing on the August primary ballot. The endorsement was made over the weekend by a vote of the Party’s Administrative Committee.

The two ballot questions would amend Wisconsin’s Constitution to eliminate checks and balances, grabbing power from the governor and giving Republican politicians in the Legislature sole power to distribute federal funds.

“Voters on August 13 who oppose far-right power grabs should vote NO on the constitutional amendments. Wisconsin Democrats are united against this latest shameless attempt by GOP politicians to award themselves more power. These amendments would do nothing but create more gridlock and dysfunction in Madison and make it harder for our state government to help first responders respond quickly to emergencies,” said Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Ben Wikler. “Republican politicians, led by Robin Vos, are pushing misleading and risky constitutional amendments aimed at cementing their extreme agenda into Wisconsin’s Constitution. Let’s reject these amendments in August—and then remove Vos from the Speaker’s office in November.”