
2023 State Convention Frequently Asked Questions

What do Delegates do?

Delegates to the State Convention will join WisDems staff, grassroots leaders, volunteers, elected officials, candidates, and more at the Radisson in Green Bay on Saturday & Sunday, June 10th & 11th. During the Convention, delegates will vote for WisDems officers and one of Wisconsin’s elected DNC members, will help shape our party’s policy priorities by voting on constitutional amendments and resolutions, will have the opportunity to join skills trainings and caucus & party unit meetings throughout the weekend, and will hear live from grassroots leaders, WisDems officers, elected officials, primary candidates, and much, much more.

How many Delegates are there?

According to the WisDems Bylaws, delegates are apportioned to each county based off of vote totals in the last statewide senatorial election, and in proportion to the registered number of members in that county for the previous year.

There are also “auto delegates,” which – as outlined in the Bylaws in Article IV, Section 2 (c) – are members of the US Congress, the Wisconsin State Legislature, state constitutional officers, current chairs of county parties, and members of DPW’s Administrative Committee. These delegates do not count toward the delegate allotment of each county.  

These delegate numbers are the same for both Congressional District Conventions and State Convention.

Click here to see this year’s delegate allotments for Congressional District & State Conventions.

How are Delegates selected?

To register your interest in being a delegate, please submit the 2023 Delegate Request Form prior to May 12, or reach out to your County Party Chair prior to May 20. 

The information the WisDems collects through the Delegate Request Form will be shared with your County Party Chair, who has final authority on which individuals from their county are named as State Convention delegates. Per Article IV, Section 2 of the DPW Bylaws, delegate status preference is given to attendees of CD Conventions, though State Convention delegates are not required to attend CD Conventions in order to attend State Convention. 

Any member of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin is eligible to become a delegate, as long as their dues are current as of 5 PM on May 27, 2023. To pay your dues online, delegates can use this link.  Delegates must also purchase a Convention ticket to attend the Convention.

Important Convention Dates & Deadlines

Early March, Full Call to Convention sent by WisDems Staff 

March 12, Proposals for Constitutional amendments must be submitted to HQ

March 12, WisDems Officer Candidates may begin soliciting nomination  signatures

March 12-May 20, CD Conventions Take Place

May 12, Delegate Request Form Closes

May 20, 5 PM,  Deadline for County Parties to Submit Delegate & Alternate Names

May 20,  Convention & Election rules due to HQ

May 20, WisDems Officer Candidates Declaration of Intent Form Due

May 20, DNC Member Candidate Declaration of Candidacy From Due

May 20, WisDems Officer Candidates Nomination Signatures Due

May 20, Accommodations & Cost Assistance Forms Due

May 20, Exhibitor Submissions Due

May 27, 5 PM,  Membership Deadline for Delegates & Alternates

May 27,  Deadline for Accommodations Requests, Cost Assistance Requests, and 

Exhibitor Submissions

June 10 & 11: Radisson Hotel & Conference Center, Green Bay


What is an alternate delegate?

Alternate delegates, or “alternates” for short, serve in the place of a voting delegate in the event that the voting delegate is unable to attend the Convention. If every delegate is able to attend, alternates have no responsibilities or voting rights. 


Each county is able to select as many alternates as they can regular delegates, and alternates are bound by the same membership and registration deadlines as regular delegates. If you would like to be listed as an alternate to the 2023 State Convention, please reach out to your County Party Chair.

What if I still have unanswered questions?

If your question wasn’t answered by this FAQ section, you can send an email to stateconvention@wisdems.org and WisDems Party Affairs staff will respond as soon as possible.


Can I attend the State Convention virtually?

If you need to request a virtual attendance accommodation to this year’s State Convention, please fill out the form linked below.

Accommodation Request Form: CLICK HERE

If you are a delegate and will need the ability to vote remotely, please email stateconvention@wisdems.org.